STRAIGHT LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON MANGANESE (2%) Foliar application. Advantages: Special manganese formulation to which has been improved its power of penetration and assimilation both via foliar and root, ensuring the selectivity and affinity of these manganese […]
COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON MANGANESE (1%) AND ZINC (1%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: The use in the growth periods or vegetative pre-growth phase, guarantees:Suitable plant sizes giving good growths.Correct leaf sizes and internodes, with rosette […]
STRAIGHT LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON ZINC (5%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: Increase the speed of growth of the plant.Increase response to normal fertilization.Help the plant in case of stress (transplant, cold, diseases…).Improve the root system.Improve the […]
STRAIGHT LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON CALCIUM (13%) Root application. Advantages: Soil desalination, favorably modifying the P.S.I. and S.A.R. of the soil by unlocking, solubilizing and increasing the availability of nutrients.Stimulates root growth and increases root mass, causing […]
STRAIGHT LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON CALCIUM (12,5%) Foliar application. Advantages: Cracking problems. Good quantity and mobility of calcium for better construction of the cell wall of the fruits.Good vascular system in horticultural and more rigidity. Meristematic tissue […]
COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON CALCIUM (13%) AND MAGNESIUM (4%) Foliar application. Advantages: It favors the acid pH without increasing the aggressiveness of the solution or representing contributions of extra nutrients that can alter the balance of […]
COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON CALCIUM (12%) AND MAGNESIUM (4%) Foliar application. Advantages: ICracking problems: ensures a good amount and mobility of calcium and magnesium in the cell wall for better construction of the cell wall of […]
COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (8,5%) AND POTASSIUM (21,5%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: Potassium is found within the solution of plant cells, which prevents the plant from prematurely wilting.Potassium is involved in the correct formation […]
STRAIGHT LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON MAGNESIUM (13%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: It promotes photosynthesis, allowing the absorption of nutrients.Promotes the absorption and transport of phosphorus.Aid in the storage of sugars within the plant.Activator of enzymes associated […]
COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (5%), PHOSPHORUS (20%) AND POTASSIUM (5%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: Complement the root use subscriber.Supply the nutrition of the plant, in the phases of high demand and consumption of nutrients.Correct […]