
COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (4%), PHOSPHORUS (1%) AND POTASSIUM (7%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: It provides an adequate physiological balance and a high qualitative and quantitative yield for crops.Rapid absorption and action in the […]


COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (10%), PHOSPHORUS (10%) AND POTASSIUM (10%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: It provides the plant with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of easy assimilation and rapid action, as well as small amounts […]


COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (3%) AND POTASSIUM (33%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: It promotes the assimilation of several elements (CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, etc.), inducing a nutritional balance.Correction of certain physiopathies linked to potassium nutrition. Recommendations: […]


COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (15%) AND SULPHUR (67%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: Increases crop yields.It satisfies the nitrogen needs of each type of crop, improving soil structure and providing good plant growth.Immediate action and […]


COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (11%), POTASSIUM (5,3%) AND SULPHUR (45%) Foliar application. Advantages: It induces maturation and color change of the skin by favoring the production of glucose and carbohydrates.It accentuates the colour, aroma and […]


LIQUID FERTILIZER WITH ALGAE EXTRACT Foliar application. Advantages: Obtained from seaweed formulated so that they can be assimilated directly by the vegetable. Promotes cell multiplication, growth and filling of fruits. Activates and stimulates greater and more regular vegetative […]


COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITRÓGENO (8,5%), CALCIUM (12%) Y BORO (0,5%) Foliar application. Advantages: Cracking problems: ensures a good amount and mobility of calcium and boron in the cell wall for better construction of the cell […]


COMPOUND LIQUID INORGÁNIC FERTILIZER BASED ON NITROGEN (5%) AND PHOSPHORUS (18,1%) Foliar or root application. Advantages: Create or accelerate vitality: great revitalizing capacity in preventive uses, through systematic treatments, mainly before the appearance of problems; main­taining a flowering […]


LIQUID WITH AMINO ACIDS, NITROGEN (8%) AND PHOSPHORUS (1%) Rootr application. Advantages: Accelerate the vitality of the soil and the plant: provides a great revita­lizing capacity on the plant and the soil, increasing microbial activity, mineralization processes and […]


LIQUID FERTILIZER WITH ALGAE EXTRACT Foliar application. Advantages: Increases the production, quality and uniformity of the fruits. Easily and quickly absorbed by the plant. It favors the production of pollen and the development of the fruit at the […]